An honest look at Choosing Yoga Teacher Training Course

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An honest look at Choosing Yoga Teacher Training Course

If you are someone interested in procuring admissions for the yoga teachers' training course, this article is for you. In this article, we take you through the Yoga Teachers Training Course details, which include:
  • What to consider when choosing a Yoga TTC
  • How to choose a TTC course 
  • Why choose Yoga Hut for TTC
Without wasting a minute longer, let us consider the essential aspects before choosing a Yoga teacher's training course.

What to consider when choosing a Yoga TTCWhat to consider when choosing a Yoga TTC

Looking for the best Yoga Teacher Training courses out there? It is not as simple a task as it may appear to be. So many Yoga Centres, so many options to choose from! Well, several factors should be taken into account before choosing the right Yoga Teacher Training Course. Let us try to understand some of the factors that help you decide the right Yoga TTC for you:

Quality of Teaching:Quality of Teaching Yoga

This is one of the most essential points to consider before joining the Yoga Teachers Training Course. You will feel satisfied if you are trained by the best and most experienced teachers. There is nothing more important than to have the best mentors who have the best interests for you. These mentors are there at beck and call to enhance your skill and bring out the best in you. Wherein today’s world Yoga TTC has become a fast way to earn income, as a seeker, you must be vigilant to not fall prey to these offers which only aim to print the money. If you join the Yoga Teachers Training course, make sure that you have the best mentors and you are in good hands.

Curriculum:Curriculum of Yoga training

The right yoga classes are more than stretching and alignment. Finding pure yoga TTC is about yogic breathing exercises, yogic philosophy, meditation exercises, apart from asanas, and body stretching. Remember, if yoga is an ocean, asanas or postures are just a tip of it. A yoga Teachers training Course indeed is a life-changing opportunity to go deeper into yoga. One must try to understand the Yoga TTC Syllabus and the regular class structure.  Don’t just choose a Yoga teachers training course that enables you just to learn the asanas. Yoga Teachers Training syllabus that helps you dive into philosophy and meditation practices are life-transforming.

Community:community of yoga

Community experience can either be the best or the worst. Yes, you will regret to be a part of the community you don’t feel connected with. Before you seek admission for the Yoga Teachers Training Course, you must ensure that you feel connected and happy to be a part of that community. However, you can’t understand it till you take part in at least a few classes. If you don’t choose wisely, you may feel disconnected and awkward to do 200 hours Yoga Teachers Training Course or 300 hours Yoga Teachers Training Course. When you find a yoga centre full of community you vibe with, the time you spend there is incredible, which in turn will give you an unforgettable experience. Not only that, you will be able to make long-life friends who have the same passion as that of you as far as personal growth, joy, love for life, authenticity, compassion, etc are concerned. Another best option is to join yoga TTC online. For the convenience of our client, we at Yoga Hut offer Yoga TTC online.

What does a TTC course look likeWhat does a TTC course look like

Yoga Teachers Training Course Journey is not just about making you a yoga teacher but would rather be a transformational experience of a lifetime. Yes, it is not an exaggeration to call it so. Other than imparting useful yoga skills like right alignment, poses, body awareness, and learning to avoid yoga-related injury, Yoga TTC is about all-around development Being a part of the Yoga Teachers training course at Yoga Hut enables one to understand some of the well-preserved ancient texts by Maharshi Patanjali. This course is certainly one step closer to understanding the true goals and purpose of the Yoga that Rishis and sages have been advising us to imbibe in all our lives.

How to choose a TTC courseHow to choose a TTC course

Set the priorities

Different people have different priorities. Some individuals might want to join Yoga Teachers training course for deepening their practice of yoga by becoming a teacher, while some others may want to get an admission for Yoga Teachers Training Course to find alike friends who have similar interests as that theirs. Some wish to learn the right alignment, while some wish to understand the Yoga philosophy in a better way.Set the priorities for yoga learning Some want to join to grow confidence in this environment, while some want to understand yoga and reap its benefits in the healing process. For some, the yoga Teachers Training Course is a means to understand the healing process so that they can heal themselves and to those who need it. Different individuals have different motives that inspire them to choose Yoga Teachers Training Syllabus. There can’t be any action without cause or intention. You must set your priorities straight. Your intentions are going to show you the way to take future actions.

Check the credentialscredentials

It is better to know the credentials of the studio or the institute where you will be trained with yoga teachers training course syllabus. Even though becoming a teacher of yoga is a lifetime process of learning, you must ensure that you are trained in good hands. You must also know about their previous students and their experiences.

Time and Locationtime and location for yoga

India is an ancient civilization and a land of mystics, yogis, rishis, and seers. The soil of this land has witnessed amazing yogis. Instead of choosing expensive places like Costa Rica, Bali, Thailand, or any other country, why not choose India? The energy of the soil where you are learning TTC Yoga Teacher Training is very important as it can affect so much in the quality process of the learning experience. You must choose the time that fits your schedule. If you are planning to visit India to learn the TTC yoga syllabus, you may choose November to March, as the weather is very pleasant. Time and location are subjective for each individual and are dependent upon their lifestyle and preferences.

Why choose Yoga Hut for TTCWhy choose Yoga Hut for TTC

At Yoga hut, we offer 
  • 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
  • 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

    100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

This course is meant for those who wish to test the waters before they take a plunge. Aimed at giving the participant the basic understanding of Yoga, this 100 hours Yoga Teachers Training Course Syllabus features Yoga Philosophy, Asana Alignment without using props, Spine and Muscular Anatomy, Yoga sutras of Patanjali, Meditation techniques, Pranayama, Teaching Methodology – Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa flow, etc. The 100 hours Yoga TTC is a part of a month-long 200 hours Yoga TTC. Once you complete 100 hour TTC, you can upgrade to complete 200 hours Yoga TTC syllabus on the spot or complete it in one year We provide a Yoga Alliance Certificate at the successful completion of the 100 hours of yoga TTC. This certificate is valid and recognized all over the world.

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Based on the principles of Hatha Yoga, 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course lays down the foundation for the Yoga students by giving them in-depth knowledge of Asanas, Pranayams, Bandha, and other related topics. In this course, we cover Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Asana Alignment without props, Yoga philosophy, Yoga Anatomy, Meditation Techniques, Teaching Methodology – Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga (Vinyasa Yoga), Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar method, Pranayama, etc. The further one gets to learn about how to effectively conduct group and one on one sessions. Post the successful completion of 200 Hours of yoga TTC, Yoga Alliance International provides a certificate. This Yoga Alliance Certificate is acknowledged and recognized all over the world.

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

You are eligible for a 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course if you have completed 200 hours of yoga training course. In this course, we teach the students about medical and therapeutic issues at an individual level, Teaching Methodology – Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar method, Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga philosophy, Ayurvedic Principles of Nutrition, Yoga Anatomy relevant for various diseases, and Yoga Anatomy relevant for Pre and Post Natal condition. The focus of 300 hours yoga TTC syllabus is to enable the students to address both physical and mental aspects to manifest and bring the holistic transformation of the practitioner. The Yoga Teachers Training Course syllabus at Yoga hut is aimed to make the participant a better human being, a better friend, a better family member, and a better version of themselves. Be a part of the Yoga Hut yoga TTC experience. Let the Yoga TTC be a memorable experience for you!